Mellow March - Say it With Gin

Say it with Gin Media Team • April 11, 2024

Hello Fellow Ginvolutioners!

Reproduced with the kind permission of the Say it With Gin team. One of the UK's best gin specialist gin producers:

It's that wonderful time of year where we are reminded yet again how beautiful and magical nature is. The world is waking from deepest darkest winter and springing into life. Nothing quite instantaneously makes me smile the way a bank of daffodils do or a field of lambs skipping and playing.

We're so excited to be back in Cornwall distilling our 3rd batch of fabulous award winning No.6 Soulmate... at this very moment the magic is happening in the handmade copper pot stills. The smell of the botanicals is just incredible and we are looking forward to bottling later this week and returning home with our precious cargo.

Back at Say It With Gin HQ we've been busy working on some truly exceptional commissions, with special thank you's and birthday messages being very on trend. We were honoured to be commissioned by Tandridge Golf Club to paint 10 wonderfully unique bottles to celebrate their centenary. A hundred years in business is certainly worthy of celebrating and we are very much looking forward to sharing the ginvolution with the members at one of their summer competitions... I'm pretty sure a generous sample of our award winning No.6 Soulmate at the halfway house will enhance any swing

For all of the mixologists amongst us why not try one of our favourite cocktails for this time of year - The "Smooth Soulmate". It's full of the promise of warmth and freshness and ideal for sipping on a lazy spring day or a lovely aperitif post dinner.

We would love to hear from you, especially if you have any amendments to enhance our recipe, or maybe you have one of your own to share... feedback is a gift and we will treasure yours!

Contact Say it With Gin:

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