Forth Ports showcases offshore renewables capabilities to industry leaders

Forth Ports Media Team • February 13, 2024

Hundred Senior People from the Offshore Renewables Sector 

The Forth Ports team welcomed over a hundred senior people from the offshore renewables sector to the Port of Leith January 23rd  to showcase the development of Scotland’s newest bespoke offshore renewables hub.

The day was a pre-conference activity as part of the annual Scottish Renewables conference being held the week of 25/26 January in Glasgow. Forth Ports is the UK’s largest provider of offshore wind marshalling facilities with over 1 million sq.m. capacity across their ports in Leith, Dundee, Rosyth and Tilbury.

Forth Projects, part of the Forth Ports’ offer to the offshore wind sector, provides infrastructure support through its engineering-led heavy lift and heavy transport capabilities.

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