Pierre Henri • August 15, 2023

4300 Football Pitches

A consortium formed by EDF (Electricité de France) subsidiary, EDF Renewables and China’s Jinko has been awarded the contract for building the world’s largest single-project solar plant in Abu Dhabi. It will cover an area larger than 4200 football pitches with a generation capacity of 2 GW which is the equivalent, of 2 nuclear power plants, on average, in the U.S.

The consortium submitted a record low tariff for solar power of 1.35 USD cents per kilowatt hour. Bi-facial solar power technology is to be used. This means energy production from both sides of solar panels instead of one.

With this contract EDF will accelerate its diversification into electricity production from renewables, that is, solar and wind farms. By 2030 EDF expects to be producing 50 GW of electricity from renewables which is as much as it does from nuclear plants at present.

Sources : BloombergNEF,, Les Echos, Bfmbusiness

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