Deborah (Debbie) Preston of Caxtons Property Consultants has been promoted to Associate Director of this well renowned Kent business. Debbie agreed to be interviewed by Les Frontieres and we thank her for her time:
Debbie, as she prefers to be called, has been Head of Human Resources and IT at Caxtons for some time as regular visitor at many South East business events. The announcement is part of Caxton’s ongoing success and growth. Caxtons are Property Consultants who provide an extensive range of property services and are very well known for their long standing association with the Kent Property Market report of which they are partners and lead authors.
The promotion of Debbie is integral to their ongoing long term commitment to the property sector in the South East.
Debbie started Caxtons in 2003 as a PA to a Director and a year later she was invited to join the HR team. Seeing her ability and talent Caxtons sponsored Debbie to achieve professional qualifications. Now Debbie is ACIPD. As well as completion of Company Secretary courses to ensure Caxtons compliance with the high standards they wish to operate at.
Debbie has developed Caxton’s Data Protection, GDPR, Privacy, Disaster Recovery policies. As Caxtons are a high-profile Kent firm working with many of the leading businesses in the South East policies and procedures have had to remain at the highest level.
Debbie has for many years worked alongside the Directors of Caxtons which has given her the insight into not only day to day tactical operations but also the strategic direction of the firm and the industry they operate within.
Debbie implemented a new HR package for holidays and attendance further driving efficiencies needed with the increasing staff headcount. The focus on minimising paperwork and carbon reduction while using technology to ensure systems remained reliable for staff and clients.
Debbie introduced an online training programme to ensure all staff have the relevant training for our industry without it being too excessive and intrusive into the working day, reviewed staff benefits and gone to market to ensure we get the best deal, introduced an EAP scheme. I'm always looking for new ways to support staff.
Debbie’s main philosophy throughout her career at Caxtons is that her door is always open and colleagues can talk to her about absolutely anything. There isn't a topic or subject that Debbie haven't covered in my 21 years at Caxtons.
Debbie describes her pet hate is
“people within my industry who can be very removed from the staff and be someone to be feared “
Debbie feels this is very counter productive for the success of a business and serving their clients.
Debbie went on to explain:
“– I am so not that person and if I catch anyone using HR is coming as a tool to be feared – they find out how much that irritates me. I make a point of interacting with all staff and at inductions laugh with new colleagues saying I am not the HR in a glass house, glasses on the end of my nose and looking down on everyone – if there is raucous laughter or naughtiness going on – you will normally find me there somewhere! I stress heavily that they must never be afraid to walk through my door no matter what the problem.”
“My view is that if someone comes and pours their heart out for 10 minutes whether work related or not and then goes back to their desk feeling better they are far more productive and focused. On occasions I just listen, if wanted I'll make suggestions and be a sounding board. If it is staff difficulties with other staff I usually know a suggestion or two about people and perhaps share an interest the other person has to give them something to start a conversation and often this has lead to others having a better working relationship. It could be they that someone was shy or just wary of a newcomer and the other person a little over enthusiastic in their new role.”
“I act as a bridge between staff and management and have difficult and awkward conversations with people at all levels within the company. If something needs to be said or pointed out on either side of the bridge I have to just get on with it and not be afraid to say something the person might not want to hear especially at a director level. That said my job is to advise whether that person wants to listen to that advice or not is up to them and I am never offended if they don't listen – I feel strongly that everyone's opinion is valid and needs to be heard.”
“Working in HR you have to be very open minded, never form an opinion until the last minute because if experience has taught me anything it is that there are way more than two sides to every story - it's all about perspectives.”
In the last two years Debbie has taken a more active role in IT and last year took over as Head of IT .
Debbie admits she has been on a very step learning curve.
Debbie also confessed to “hating IT speak and the use of acronyms but I'm getting used to it.”
Debbie recalls that, “ I once sat through a meeting talking about Raspberry Pies feeling very hungry and not truly understanding what they were or what they had to do with IT but I am learning very quickly!”
I asked Debbie what she enjoys most about her work?
“I love learning, researching new topics, embracing change, looking for ways to balance protecting the environment with business needs and how we can be more efficient. I try to ensure that every day runs as smoothly as possible.”
Wanting to know a bit more about Debbie outside of work I asked her to tell us a bit more about who she is:
“Outside of work I spent 40 years in a church choir and 20 years as Director of Music running a large choir including a junior choir of 10 or so children. Taking a break from that 10 years ago I have emersed myself in crafting – making cards, jewellery, needlework, making various flowers and models via sugar crafting. I've spent the last 8 summers as a Marshal on an off road course at Billing liaising with the public meeting and greeting and ensuring H&S rules are followed as well as helping to prepare the course for the general public to be safe on. This year I am having a year off of doing things to concentrate on my garden planting flowers and shrubs and have about 30 different varieties of fruit and veg growing in the garden.”
Thank you Debbie Preston of Caxtons for a very insightful interview and congratulations on your promotion.
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