Caremark - Sepsis Cheque Presentation

Warren Dunham • January 16, 2025

Making Ellie Count

Garry Costain, Managing Director of Caremark, a leading Domiciliary Care Provider in Kent was able to present a Cheque to the UK Sepsis Trust and is encouraging others to donate when they can but also create a wider awareness of Sepsis.

Tragically the initial  involvement with Sepsis was a result of the death of Ellie Lunn.

In 2015, at just 11 months old , Ellie was unwell. She had a high temperature and was refusing food. After seeing doctors at the hospital and being treated for viral tonsillitis, Ellie was sent home. Tragically, the following morning Ellie passed away. She had been misdiagnosed and did not receive the treatment that could have saved her. Ellie died of sepsis. Kerry, Ellie's mum and also one of Caremark Thanet, Dover & Canterbury's Directors is determined to make Ellie's short life make a difference That's why "Making Ellie Count" was created. Caremark stated that it's not just about raising money for the charity Sepsis, it's about making people aware.

Garry Costain explained further after the presentation of the cheque to Sepsis UK:

"Five years ago, we Caremark Thanet, Dover and Canterbury, held our first sepsis community event, a sepsis awareness conference where we brought together a number of experts who delivered presentations on a number of aspects of sepsis.

 Three years ago, we set up our initiative, Making Ellie Count, named in memory of Ellie Lunn who tragically lost her life to sepsis before her first birthday. During this time, we have raised around £5000 for The UK Sepsis Trust.

On Thursday 5 December we presented a cheque to The UK Sepsis Trust for £3823, which is the money we have raised this year though our Making Ellie Count initiative.

 We have had a number of generous donations including: £500 from Broadstairs Business Club, £500 from MAN v FAT, £250 from The Rotary Club of Deal and a generous donation from the family

 of one of our customers, the late Alec Waller."


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