Adapto Partners With Digital Global

Warren Dunham • October 28, 2024

Robotic Process Automation

Adapto, one of the UK's leading specialist IT Consultancy firms has announced a partnership with DIgital Global.

Managing Director Ivan Greenaway (Photo) said,

"I am delighted with  our partnership with DIgital Global . Our partnership will  deliver significant cost savings for international brands through Robotic Process Automation (RPA). "

"By automating repetitive, rule-based tasks, RPA boosts efficiency across key functions like Operations, IT, HR, Procurement, and Finance etc — streamlining processes and driving success.

There are several ways RPA could save you time and money in your business, Immediate  Interest from existing clients has confirms our belief that the demand is there. To some extent this was anticipated due to the market testing methods we adopted.  That said, I am pleasantly surprised at some of the new enquires from organisations who were not previous clients of Adapto. "

Adapto was formed in 2005 and was the brainchild of Adapto Managing Director Ivan Greenaway.  Following a twenty year  distinguished Military career Greenaway wanted to explore commercial opportunities. Initially drawn to logistics where he had experience in the British Army he saw growth in the Tech sector.

Ivan explained;

"When I first moved into the Tech sector I was an early adopter of what was called Terminal Emulation software.

Looking back I reflect that what I was involved in was extending the life of legacy hardware. It was cutting edge at the time. And now with RPA (Robotic Process Automation I may be at the beginning of another journey."


Following another  ten year successful career with a Managed Service Provider Ivan  felt it was time to it set up shop  for himself and formed Adapto.

Originally from Caribbean country of Montserrat Ivan Greenaway has settled in East Sussex where he has run Adapto for sixteen years. Married with three grown up children and having had three successful careers we asked Ivan if he had any thoughts of retirement.   Shaking his head slowly Ivan  was categoric in his plans to keep looking for new challenges and business opportunities and said; 

"For the past sixteen years Adapto  have provided consulting, design,  implementation and support services for our client's  IT infrastructure. We employ a small, friendly, team highly skilled team of experienced consultants, I have no plans to stop.  This partnership with Digital Global is exciting, I am looking forward to the new horizons of RPA (Robotic Process Automation).  RPA is proving to the right opportunity  for some of the clients old and new of Adapto. "

Adapto can be contacted via their website:

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